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Friday, April 17, 2009

9 Ideas for being Productive in Tumultuous Times

My friend Debi Brandt, Publisher of Traditional Home Magazine sent me these 9 ideas for being productive in tumultuous times. They are too good not to be shared.

Have a plan. Make a list of at least 6 things you are going to accomplish each day.

Know what you are going to do when you arrive at work each morning. When you worry, act instead.

Remember the Golden Rule — treat others the way you wish to be treated yourself.

Be open to other people and ideas. The best ideas often start small and unnoticed.

Take care of your mind, your body and your spirit.

Have a positive mental attitude. We become what we think about.
Be generous with your thoughts, time and actions.

Do more than what is required. You’ll find if you do, others will too.

If you are a manager or a leader, gather input, and then decide. Almost always, a less than optimal decision trumps no
decision at all.

And finally, especially if you are a manager or a leader,
never ask anyone to do something you would not do yourself.

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